WP1 Coordination & Intergration
WP2 Stakeholder network & Implementation
WP3 Mapping methods
WP4 Assessment methods
WP5 Methods testing
WP6 Dissemination & Knowledge exchange
Work package 3
The overall objective for WP3 is to assess the current state of ES mapping in the EU and to develop a multi- tiered flexible ES mapping methodology to integrate the three value domains of ES (biophysical, economic and social) at different spatial and temporal scales. The sub-objectives are to:
Provide an overview of past and current mapping research activities describing its temporal evolution, methods used, spatial distribution and application.
Understand which are the main gaps of ES mapping within member states considering their needs to achieve Action 5 (as provided by T2.2) and provide recommendations on how to overcome those gaps in collaboration with WP2.
Develop a multi-tiered flexible ES mapping methodology ready for testing in EU member states in an iterative process with WP4.
Tests of the methodology in different case studies and elaboration of recommendations for EU member states on how to implement mapping approaches for ecosystems services in collaboration with WP5.
Integrate the WP3 results with the rest of project results in order to propose a flexible mapping and assessment methodology in collaboration with WP1.
Disseminate in collaboration with WP6 the research process and outcomes of WP3 results to a wide range of relevant target groups with special emphasis on environmental policy-related issues.