WP1 Coordination & Intergration
WP2 Stakeholder network & Implementation
WP3 Mapping methods
WP4 Assessment methods
WP5 Methods testing
WP6 Dissemination & Knowledge exchange

Work package 4

The overall objective of WP4 is to develop an integrated and consistent assessment framework in which different mapping approaches and techniques can be embedded. This will be achieved by:

  • developing a contextual framework based on CICES for communication ES issues with the user community;

  • reviewing the contribution and role of mapping in the context of general assessment approaches;

  • analysing how spatially explicit ES linkages, trade-offs and synergies can be assessed in the context of multifunctional ecosystem assessments;

  • analysing how spatio-temporal lags and potential environmental justice issues can be identified by ES maps;

  • analysing how mapping approaches can be used to support economic and social assessments; and,

  • developing guidelines for a flexible, integrated assessment methodology that is tested in WP5.






